Monday, December 23, 2013

Should Christians Tithe?

You May Be Going To Hell-- thermotron management training- GED required

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Default Is It "Wrong" To Claim Someone Is In Heaven?

I have always believed that is is not our place to decide where someone's resting place is. It seems like there is no one left who believes this?? Everytime someone passes, I always here the family members say they are with God. When my own grandmother died a year ago, I had many people from church tell me she is at peace now. I didn't disagree but I really don't know that for sure ( hence all the masses and prayers for her soul).

Also, I overheard something at church which left me a bit confused. A women (who left the church) was in the hospital, she was unresponsive. She was given last rites and died shortly thereafter. Her children were very upset, mainly because they were scared that their mother, being a fallen away catholic, was not saved. Two members of our church, very active members, assured and comforted the grown children that their mother was indeed in heaven as she received last rites. I am pretty sure this is not correct. Anyone care to clarify the churches teaching on this?
Padre Pio once said, ‘without the Grace of God, all I know how to do is to sin and sin again.’

Friday, December 20, 2013

Family Guy - Brian Died-- (maybe Roger Cannady and his associates and thomas Bannach -- "poisoned the well" -

Family Guy - Brian Griffin's Funeral--Thermotron--What Can Employers Say About Former Employees?


sure you quit at thermotron-- maybe someone -- like Shelly in  the part's  DEPT spread the world that your "replacement" is here--

maybe Roger Cannady and his associates and thomas Bannach -- "poisoned the well" -

- maybe -- it is verification that mark lamers -- coo- was right again-- Good people don't fit in at thermotron--

well one thing we know for sure-- Thermotron will Back stab you and slander you -- because as Thomas Bannach bragged-- "no one works here for the money-- but for the opportunity to Bbb some one--

and Human Resourses -- like Tamera Kennedy-- as thomas patterson-- said --

 they are "just rubber stamps"

and as Roger Cannady and his replacement Davew Waterfield-said-- "i heard about you" and just because the robbery thief and embezzlement his new "highs" with Daniel J O'keefe as the presiding -- pervert--

well -- he is not responsible-- for any thing--

Thomas Bannach and his gang of thieves-- were successful in harassing and drumming out any one -- who just did not fit in!!

and assassinate   their character-- or rather "murdering their character

Assassinate the Assassins is an optional mission given from the bounty board in Sanctuary.

What Can Employers Say About Former Employees?

What Can Employers Say About Former Employees?
Checking References
Copyright Scrambled
Instant Background Checksbackgroundcheck.peoplesmart.com1) Enter Name - Search Free! 2) Get a Full Background Check Now.
Public Criminal Enter a Name & Search for Free 2. View Criminal Records Instantly.
Tucson Employment handle employment cases. Robaina & Kresin PLLC
Employment Verificationwww.intellicorp.netVerify Work History of Applicants Before You Hire. Register Today.
Salary or Hourly?wwww.overtimeviolations.comYou may deserve overtime pay. Learn your legal rights.
Question: What Can Employers Say About Former Employees?
One of the questions I get asked frequently is "What can an employer say about former employees?" Some job seekers presume that companies can only legally release dates of employment, salary, and your job title. However, that's not the case.
Answer: Can an employer say a former employee was fired orterminated for cause? How about saying that you quit without notice or your attendance record wasn't good? Are there limits to what an employer can say about you?
What Former Employers Can Say About You
There are no federal laws restricting what information an employer can disclose about former employees. If you were fired or terminated from employment, the company can say so. They can also give a reason. For example, if someone was fired for stealing or falsifying a time sheet, they can explain why the employee was terminated.
That said, because of laws regarding defamation (which is slander or libel) companies are usually careful about what information they provide to hiring managers confirming employment or checking references. What they say has to be the truth or the company can be subject to a lawsuit from the former employee. Legally, they can say anything that is factual and accurate.
Concern about lawsuits is why most employers only confirm dates of employment, your position, and salary.
State labor laws vary, so check your state labor department website for information on state labor laws that limit what employers can disclose about former employees.
Checking On What the Company Will Disclose
If you have been fired or terminated, check with your former employer and ask what information they will give out when they get a call to verify your work history. If they do give out more information than the basics, what they say may be negotiable and it can't hurt to ask.
When you left under difficult circumstances, you could ask someone you know to call and check your references, that way you'll know what information is going to come out. Or, you can also use a reference checking service to check on what will be disclosed to future employers.
Getting the Story Straight
It's important that your story and your former employer's story match. If you say you were laid-off and the company says you fired, you're not going to get the job.
Also, not telling the truth during the application process can get you fired at any time in the future - even years after you were hired. That's because most job applications have a section where you verify the information is accurate.
Don't Presume the Company Won't Give Out Information
Don't presume that your former employer won't disclose the reason why your job ended. Large companies typically have policies regarding the disclosure of former employee information, but may not. Many smaller employers don't have a policy at all or aren't aware of or concerned about legal liability issues.
In either case, it's important to know what the employer is going to say about you, because what you say needs to match what the company is going to say.
Finally, if your version doesn't match the companies and you feel the company's story about your termination isn't accurate, be upfront and say so. You'll have a better chance of getting the job than if you say one thing and the company says another.

How to Spot a Psychopath- mark lamers-- don't you know??

what is it like working at thermotron-- ??

well-- you are only supposted to watch out for your self--

and it's ok to lie cheat steal embezzle-- a little bit every day--

every one here and at ESPEC chamber co, russles Tech products, and Envirotronics, are like this

as a matter of fact-- get your training at thermotron and then move on to bigger goals

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Family Guy - Brian Griffin's Funeral--Thermotron--What Can Employers Say About Former Employees?


sure you quit at thermotron-- maybe someone -- like Shelly in  the part's  DEPT spread the world that your "replacement" is here--

maybe Roger Cannady and his associates -- "poisoned the well" -- maybe -- it is verification that mark lamers -- coo- was right again-- Good people don't fit in at thermotron--

well one thing we know for sure-- Thermotron will Back stab you and slander you -- because as Thomas Bannach bragged-- "no one works here for the money-- but for the opportunity to Bbb some one--

and Human Resourses -- like Tamera Kennedy-- as thomas patterson-- said --

 they are "just rubber stamps"

and as Roger Cannady and his replacement Davew Waterfield-said-- "i heard about you" and just because the robbery thief and embezzlement his new "highs" with Daniel J O'keefe as the presiding -- pervert--

well -- he is not responsible-- for any thing--

Thomas Bannach and his gang of thieves-- were successful in harassing and drumming out any one -- who just did not fit in!!

and assassinate   their character-- or rather "murdering their character

Assassinate the Assassins is an optional mission given from the bounty board in Sanctuary.

What Can Employers Say About Former Employees?

What Can Employers Say About Former Employees?
Checking References
Copyright Scrambled
Instant Background Checksbackgroundcheck.peoplesmart.com1) Enter Name - Search Free! 2) Get a Full Background Check Now.
Public Criminal Enter a Name & Search for Free 2. View Criminal Records Instantly.
Tucson Employment handle employment cases. Robaina & Kresin PLLC
Employment Verificationwww.intellicorp.netVerify Work History of Applicants Before You Hire. Register Today.
Salary or Hourly?wwww.overtimeviolations.comYou may deserve overtime pay. Learn your legal rights.
Question: What Can Employers Say About Former Employees?
One of the questions I get asked frequently is "What can an employer say about former employees?" Some job seekers presume that companies can only legally release dates of employment, salary, and your job title. However, that's not the case.
Answer: Can an employer say a former employee was fired orterminated for cause? How about saying that you quit without notice or your attendance record wasn't good? Are there limits to what an employer can say about you?
What Former Employers Can Say About You
There are no federal laws restricting what information an employer can disclose about former employees. If you were fired or terminated from employment, the company can say so. They can also give a reason. For example, if someone was fired for stealing or falsifying a time sheet, they can explain why the employee was terminated.
That said, because of laws regarding defamation (which is slander or libel) companies are usually careful about what information they provide to hiring managers confirming employment or checking references. What they say has to be the truth or the company can be subject to a lawsuit from the former employee. Legally, they can say anything that is factual and accurate.
Concern about lawsuits is why most employers only confirm dates of employment, your position, and salary.
State labor laws vary, so check your state labor department website for information on state labor laws that limit what employers can disclose about former employees.
Checking On What the Company Will Disclose
If you have been fired or terminated, check with your former employer and ask what information they will give out when they get a call to verify your work history. If they do give out more information than the basics, what they say may be negotiable and it can't hurt to ask.
When you left under difficult circumstances, you could ask someone you know to call and check your references, that way you'll know what information is going to come out. Or, you can also use a reference checking service to check on what will be disclosed to future employers.
Getting the Story Straight
It's important that your story and your former employer's story match. If you say you were laid-off and the company says you fired, you're not going to get the job.
Also, not telling the truth during the application process can get you fired at any time in the future - even years after you were hired. That's because most job applications have a section where you verify the information is accurate.
Don't Presume the Company Won't Give Out Information
Don't presume that your former employer won't disclose the reason why your job ended. Large companies typically have policies regarding the disclosure of former employee information, but may not. Many smaller employers don't have a policy at all or aren't aware of or concerned about legal liability issues.
In either case, it's important to know what the employer is going to say about you, because what you say needs to match what the company is going to say.
Finally, if your version doesn't match the companies and you feel the company's story about your termination isn't accurate, be upfront and say so. You'll have a better chance of getting the job than if you say one thing and the company says another.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thermotron -- Half Wits-- management training GED required--Pathological Liars n THERMOTRON



Pathological Liars n THERMOTRON former EMPLOYEE'S

So you think you might be working with a pathological liar?

No, you're not.

He's just a big jerk. Who goes to a special church.

A thief, a whore, and a liar Guess who's fake?

The popular stereotype of a THERMOTRON pathological liar--

1..a chronic liar, deceiver,

2...who lies to get out of things, or into things;

3..who tries to con you into something, or control you;

4..who cheats on you and then denies it,

5..makes up stories about where he was-- all this is wrong.

It's malingering, but it isn't pathological lying.

He's a tool, but he's not psychiatric.

Webster's Medical Dictionary defines a "pathological liar" as

"an individual who habitually tells lies so exaggerated or bizarre that they are suggestive of mental disorder."

Next to this definition should be this picture -

a photo of a self-important, smarmy looking,

all-too-coiffed manager or "reporter" named Thermotron "Human resourses".

You may have noticed that a guy called Stossel is out hawking a book called

"Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity"

purporting to debunk those things.

Instead, what we see is that Stossel is spewing them -

and using his media platform as a megaphone of dishonesty.

(like any good thermotron manager)

Stossel, in many ways, is exactly why someone wrote
a new book Hostile Takeover

to strip bare the opportunists,

shills and half-wits who dominate our political debate

and show them for what they really are: pathological liars

Monday, November 25, 2013

Cartman Respect My Authoritah - South Park-- thermotron -- the new manager -- of the World

Cartman Respect My Authoritah - South Park

'Pompous Snob Intro' 60-second commercial-- thermotron -- management team


now that you have "made" it at thermotron--

now they own you-- and your every thought

The Four Workplace Bully Types-- thermotron manager training - meet the- perverts and Queers


i was 1st told about holland michigan church goers , the Dutch and christian reformed in 1971

and how they attack people and bully people --

Thomas bannach spent 30 years at thermotron as a lying -- bully-- and more--

He surrounded himself with like character -- people-- now  -- all of his "inner-circle" brag what liars thieves and embezzlers -- they are-- 

Friday, November 22, 2013

thermotron Bob Wiley--O Brother Where Art Though - The Soggy Bottom Boys - I Am A


bob wiley thermotron

Thursday, December 27, 2007

old bob wiley
You are right!!

Well i certainly have seen a lot of tricks in how to work the system in this chamber business..
now the kid i worked with in california .. robbed and embezzled about 50 thousand dollars..
When i Got the the Boeing job with Bob Wiley in charge.. john tenbrink demenstrated that Old

Bob is as smart as a fox..

it was ok be be drunk on the job and falsefy your working hours.. and dave drumham called his co-workers "Backstabbers"
if they didn't agree with him..

Gregory v johnson had ... as hil sysbesma said .. " he had tom bannish around his little finger"..

He said who ever tell tom bannish what ever lies he wants to hear is right..
and tom Bannich encouraged deceit and dishonesty.. with his "Every one is the Manager"

Roger cannady was another idoit who would believe any lies and libel and defraud his co workers

when i asked TB what he ment by that evey one is the manager? he said .. "Well that's the problem"
(TB really is a disease)

Yes Bob Wiley hired him twice-- to be his personal liar and deceiver!

and as he demenstrated when he comes to town there is a new level of curruption..and fraud
gregory v johnson he started his carreer by being the neighbor hood thief and bugler.

. he showed me all the housed he robbed when we were in Pasandia visiting his mother..

Tom bannash loved his lies..he was his pet false wittness

But Enseco Fired him within 6 months.. for robbery.. embezzelment etc..and he left the service job at Montgomery /sears -- because of that issue

Mitch Kerr form all temp engineering told me that the word was out and that gregory V Johnson wouldn't get any work in that valley any more.

He also told me how therMoTron had not payed them for about 50,000 dollars of warrenty work..billed to them..

I told him that with all the different embezzlers and thieves he has worked with .. that does not seem out of character of that company.
greg was typical for a tom bannich pet

it may seem high ..but after Rouloff's removed the salesman bo bjarno.. then the sky was the limit..his 10 thousand a year went to about 20 thousand..

and he spent the last year at thermotron selling realestate, which he should have stayed in.. because it is a job where u just lie to everyone

ya tom bannish drummed out

5 securtaries, the 2 sales man , and my self told .. bannach about it...

also the people in the seattle office and the LA office..


even though there is a federal law against it..

but i learned a big lesson about that Thermotron management style ..

harrasement, lying, and drumming out people = (equals) basic dis-honesty

You can't tell a Dummy anything .. "That's why they are called Dummies"
As tom bannish said"every one is the manager" ..

which of course means there is no manager.. just lying back stabbers.
and spinless guttless wonders

Heck i asked the upper management what they budgeted for thief and embezzelment, and asked if they were some kind of mafa operation. or were a money laundering operation..

But you are right..
If lying , robbery and embezzelment is still the standard than i would not be a fit..

Cheers.. and happy new year

ONE GOOD TRICK on a thermotron miss- leading your co worker, and leading them astray

A man was sitting at a bar whose selling point was that it was on top of the largest skyscraper in town.

Another man walks in and asks the bartender for a Jack Daniel's. He downs it, and then takes a running leap out the window.

Much to everybody's surprise, he floats back up and climbs through the window back into the bar.

The man at the bar is amazed and asks the man how he did it."Easy," says the man. "Outside this window are some very strong wind currents which can carry you back to the window.""Wow," says the man at the bar. "I gotta try this."

 He takes a running leap out the window and falls to a horrible, bloody, and flat death."Goodness, Superman," says the bartender.

"You can be a real a jerk when you're drunk."

HA HA HA.. as Shelly said in parts

it was just politics !!

(she worked with Ester Hamstra) and jerry sinzack, when i met jerry's wife at the clinic she said

theRmoTron didn't give out raises.. they gave people "titles"

Monday, July 15, 2013

Diabeto - Family Guy-Thermotron - what about dan depurdes from washing state field service engineer

News Reporter laughs at murder

Preacher's Slip of the Tongue

Impersonation Of Famous Preachers and teachers at thermotron

How To Be A Dick-- thermotron training with John Tenbrink enjoy yourself

ok start here

thermotron-- and john ten brink-- yes old bob is as smart as a fox--- because he believes my lies

  1. U got 2 go along.. with it OR eLSe

    kICk youR aSS..

    the interesting thing about thermotrom is as pretty boy patterson said..

    if U don't go alone with it.. they will kick yOUr AsS


    Bugsy was a textbook sociopath. He took what he wanted when he wanted it and the emotion of remorse was alien to him.

    In his mind, other people were there to be used by him, which was demonstrated by his long record of robbery, rape and murder dating back to his teenage years.

    In gangster circles, the nickname "Bugsy" is often a term of endearment or honor. It is given out to those racketeers who show no fear in sticky situations or who are willing to step up to jobs that others are afraid to take.

    Bugsy Siegel earned the nickname early on in his criminal career because of his tendency to "go bugs" whenever he was angered or thwarted.

    It was an appellation that he strongly disliked and anyone who used the nickname to his face risked certain bodily harm.

     Siegel preferred that his friends call him Ben. If you weren't his friend, "Mr. Siegel" would do just fine.
    "When we were in a fight Benny would never hesitate," Meyer Lansky once said. "He was even quicker to take action than those hot-blooded Sicilians, the first to start punching and shooting. Nobody reacted faster than Benny."

    Add a comment

  2. ok

    sure -- Thermotron where good people don't work here-- for too long

    yes mark lamers bragged that Gee didn't you know our motto--

    ask former employee's what they embezzled -- and how much-- Gee i didn't even have the work EMBEZZLER in my vocabulary.. before wmployed at thermotron

    Now i know the many different types--- of ways to work the system--

    and Remember In Holland Michigan -- you can easly find out were the liear and thieves live--

    don't be left out--  get the Bannach application

    Add a comment

  3. Senior Service Technicians will have several years of technical experience relating to Thermotron products or applicable equivalent experience.-Thermotron field servic - all the epic lines

    Senior Service Technicians will have several years of technical experience relating to Thermotron products or applicable equivalent experience.-Thermotron field service (no longer under-payed) Salary: $$48,000.00 "Condom" Skit

    Viewed 245 times you could be the next "NUMBER"

    Thermotron field service (no longer under-payed) Salary: $$48,000.00

    Company: Thermotron Industries No longer is thermotron an underpayed company,

    Yes indeed,

    At thermotron we finally figered out that in california you don't get much for 15 dollars per hour, $30,000

    Once again thermotron has taken the lead, $ 48,000 is the wage area if you meet the requirements..but

    now you have to compete with "All TEMP ENGINEERING" , AND JOHN DANE, AND MITCH KERR..!

    This salary is almost how much john dan and mitch kerr earned 30 years ago, at ENSECO , after they quit from THERMOTRON

    Yes you will be a former thermotron employee..

    but as marth rich said.. it can be a fun learning experience for about 2 years..

    then move on..

    because you have reached your peak




    ob Title: Field Service Engineer Refrigeration Job Category: Facilities / HVAC [ View All Facilities / HVAC Jobs ]

    Job Description: The purpose of this position is to continuously grow revenue and profits through building service sales volume. 

    Actively and continuously involved in selling preventive maintenance contracts, retrofits, extended warranties, installations, start-up, relocation packages, and general service. Service functions include performing quality installations, startups, troubleshooting, maintenance, construction, repair, modifications, overhauls, retrofits, calibration, inspection and servicing of Thermotron products and like competitor products.

    Must develop strong relationships with customers by acting in a highly responsive and professional manner to meet customer needs.

    take them out to lunch

     Senior Service Technicians

    will have several years of technical experience relating to Thermotron products or applicable equivalent experience.

     When fully utilized the individual is responsible to assist the Regional Manager identifies, train and assist expansion personnel to further grow the territory.



    Actively sells service work by contacting customers to solicit work.

     Explaining benefits to Thermotron refrigeration and controller retrofits, preventative maintenance contracts and general service work.

    Responsible for maintaining utilization rate at a minimum of the company average.•

    Develops territory to maximum capacity/utilization as an individual. Works with the company management to expand territory with additional personnel.•

    Contacts customers to coordinate the installation, start-up and repair and maintenance of products at the customer’s location. Conducts training programs on the operation and maintenance of Thermotron products. Assigns priorities and schedules work for themselves and others.•

    Utilizing blueprints and schematics, troubleshoots, repairs and calibrates various operating systems of a refrigeration, electronics, and electrical or electro-mechanical nature.•

    Establishes maintains and cultivates a positive relationship with customers. Maintains an overview of customer satisfaction and reports potentially sensitive accounts to management.•

    Operates a variety of hand tools, power tools, and test instruments to perform assigned duties.•

    Maintains calibration records and follows procedures to have instrument recalibrate when required.•

    Orders replacement parts and manages inventory supplies of the replacement parts at lowest dollar value possible. Follows procedures to complete periodic inventory counts and returns warranty or excess parts to the home office.•

    Maintains a thorough knowledge of all policies and procedures as they relate to warranty, maintenance and service.•

    Valid Driver’s License required to drive service vehicles.SECONDARY TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES:•

    Informs regional office and home office of trends in competitor activities within assigned territory.•

    Maintains vehicle logs, maintenance schedules, reports etc., as required.• Provides assistance and or training to Field Service Technicians in other territories and assists engineers to solve difficult or complex problems.• Performs other functions as required by management.•

    Maintains and improves knowledge of Thermotron’s products and their applications and operation. Recommends improved method, procedures and practices so as to achieve cost reduction and reduce maintenance intervals.•

    Prepares routine reports and maintains personal work activity records as required.•

    Prepares manpower forecast and identifies skills and personnel requirements for installations.•

    Identifies warranty and maintenance activity to determine existence of repetitive equipment problems and deficiencies and implements timely corrective action.•

    Communicates to Management, costs related to maintenance contracts , custom start-ups, retrofits and moves and recommends financial adjustments to pricing for repeat or similar contracts.•

    Maintains a planned program of self development•

    Trains and assists new personnel. May schedule work for new personnel. May provide “seed” accounts to get new personnel started.JOB DEMANDS:•

    Frequent lifting and movement of objects 1 to 25lbs and occasional lifting and movement of objects 25lbs to 80lbs. May require movement of objects exceeding 100lbs.•

    May require climbing ladders with weighted objects up to 100+lbs. (Typical ladder weight limits are 400lbs)•

    May operate at a remote service location with general, minimal supervision.• Requires advanced education or training in refrigeration or electronics and several years’ experience in a service capacity with Thermotron to become familiar with the majority of product lines.•

    This work requires moderate physical exertion, including lifting, climbing, bending, and carrying of equipment. •

    Travel by ground transportation or commercial air to customer’s sites is required.•

    Job demands are typical of those working independently repairing large commercial refrigeration systems.•

    Must have a valid Drivers license without serious convictions and acceptable to Thermotron Insurance carriers.

    Skills: Refrigeration Commercial or industrial Employment Type: Full Time Salary: $$48,000.00 Other Information

    Degree: Tech School Experience (years): 5

    Job Location: Los Angeles, California USA

    Benefits and Other Informations: Health, Disability, Vacation, Bonus program, compan