Thursday, June 13, 2013

MR BURNS - Great Moments at thermotron -- a great place to work at


 you can be a thermotron liar-- it's easy


 you can Bbb somebody

thermotron west coast / liars/ embezzlers/ sales man 

 get training with Mark lamers--


 remember the lies you live--------------------- are the lies you believe



Bill April 29,9:49 am

Great post!

I have a Vice President who tells us a daily lie in order to prove a point. For the love of God I cannot understand why! Now he is on a “Leadership” kick and he wants us to be better leaders for our salesmen.

How can someone lead when his leader is misleading him everyday he walks into the office?

Better yet, our CEO eats up his lies continues to back him in every situation when the entire time we are having a massive retention issue and he cannot figure out why.

Honesty is always the best policy, but how do you deal w

- thermotron training with Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna Play?

ok sure

thermotron management training-- thomas bannach and Gregory v Johnson bragged that

it is NORMAL  to lie cheat steal defraud miss lead the customer and co workers-- libel and slander them behind their back and -- do anything

because at thermotron we train psycopath's -- special insite with Bill arvo-- the test "EXPERT"

Sunday, June 2, 2013

you can be a thermotron liar-- it's easy - Mr Burns Laughing, ask tamera kennedy - how to start



 you can be a thermotron liar-- it's easy


 you can Bbb somebody

thermotron west coast / liars/ embezzlers/ sales man 

 get training with Mark lamers--


 remember the lies you live--------------------- are the lies you believe



Bill April 29,9:49 am

Great post!

I have a Vice President who tells us a daily lie in order to prove a point. For the love of God I cannot understand why! Now he is on a “Leadership” kick and he wants us to be better leaders for our salesmen.

How can someone lead when his leader is misleading him everyday he walks into the office?

Better yet, our CEO eats up his lies continues to back him in every situation when the entire time we are having a massive retention issue and he cannot figure out why.

Honesty is always the best policy, but how do you deal w